Offering Midwest region employers in-network access to world-class health care

The BJC Center of Excellence (BJC COE) program offers exclusive access to world-class tertiary/quaternary medical care from BJC HealthCare and Washington University Physicians, located in the greater St. Louis area.

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BJC COE is designed to deliver excellent clinical outcomes and reduce employers’ costs by providing high-quality care for complex conditions at highly competitive pricing.

BJC COE Objectives:

 Right Patient Diagnosis

 Right Care and Quality

 Right Location of Care

 Right Time

 Right Price

Uniquely available for employers located outside of the St. Louis metropolitan area, BJC COE provides high-quality care for complex conditions from these internationally recognized organizations:
  • Barnes-Jewish Hospital
  • St. Louis Children’s Hospital
  • Siteman Cancer Center
  • Washington University Physicians


Member employers can utilize BJC COE to access:

Specialized Care

Providing access to internationally renowned tertiary/quaternary care.


Second Opinions

Offering second medical opinions and any necessary medical care.


Expert Diagnosis

Expert diagnosis and treatment for complex and/or unresolved medical conditions.