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Social distancing, quarantine, isolation and stay at home (shelter in place). What’s the difference?

Social Distancing

Aims to reduce the number and closeness of interactions between people while allowing them to carry out their necessary day-to-day activities.

Why? to reduce face-to-face contact and the spread of germs

  • If you have to go out in public, stay six feet away from others
  • Minimize close contact between you and other people


Used for people who may have been exposed but are not sick. For COVID-19, the quarantine should last for 14 days from the first exposure.

Why? The person may have the virus even if they are not showing any symptoms. They need to stay away from others until they find out for sure.

  • Stay home except for medical care or emergencies.
  • Monitor daily for symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath.
  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Stay in separate living quarters from others in the home, if possible.
  • Wash surfaces regularly.
  • Keep six feet away from other people.
  • Have food and necessities delivered.
  • If symptoms develop, call your health care provider to see if you should be tested for COVID-19.


Used for people suspected or confirmed to have coronavirus (COVID-19)

Why? To keep the person from infecting others

  • Stay home except for medical care or emergencies.
  • Live in a separate area from others in the home, if possible, and use a different bathroom
  • Keep at least six feet away from other people
  • Wear a face mask around others
  • Have food and necessities delivered
  • Wash hands with soap and water often
  • Wash surfaces regularly, including doorknobs, cell phones, bedding, towels and clothing
  • Use separate utensils and dishes from others in the home

Stay at home (shelter in place)

People stay in their home unless they need to leave for essential activities and work. This is an order that can be legally enforced.

Why? This has been done by some cities and states in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus by minimizing contacts between people.

  • It bans all socializing and activities outside of the home
  • Essential businesses remain open, such as grocery stores and pharmacies

Residents can leave their home for activities such as walking their dog or seeking medical care, but must maintain social distancing.

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