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City-wide Double Dutch Showcase Puts Jump Rope Skills on Display

Each year, BJC and its employees support dozens of causes, many of them near and dear to the heart for employees and their loved ones. Here is an example of that support.

More than 100 participants formed 14 teams to compete in the third annual Double Dutch Showcase, December 9, at the Wohl Recreation Center, with nearly 150 spectators cheering from the sidelines. 

Missouri Foundation for Health provides funding to BJC School Outreach and Youth Development and Saint Louis Public Schools to sponsor this Healthy Schools Healthy Communities (HSHC) initiative. The event is supported by HSHC, St. Louis City Division of Recreation, Tandy Recreation Center and the Wohl Recreation Center.

The Double Dutch Showcase is just one of many events and activities that HSHC and a number of other community agencies have fostered to address the issue of obesity in the City of St. Louis, including the Let’s Move! STL Move Your Body Flash Mob, which takes place in May. 

“We are here to help encourage lifestyle changes for people of all ages through Double Dutch,” says Brittanie McMullen, BJC School Outreach and Youth Development community health partner. “We know it doesn’t happen quickly, and it takes time, but we are doing this by building relationships, trust and support within these communities.” 

According to research, jumping rope improves cardiovascular health and bone density through engaging many muscles in the body. Materials are inexpensive, easy to carry and fun for all ages and genders. Showcase participants practice together for months beforehand, either during the school day as part of physical education and recess, or throughout the community at recreation centers, showing how a fun activity can also provide great exercise.

“We’re asking people to step up and move in ways that are beneficial, affordable and form life-long habits. Being active can be fun and benefits our health in many ways,” says Leanne White, project director for Saint Louis Public Schools.

The annual showcase is open to participants of all ages who live or work in the City of St. Louis. 

“This event brings people of all ages together, not competing against one another, but supporting one another,” says Diana Wilhold, director of BJC School Outreach and Youth Development. “It’s a celebration of what you choose to do in being active.”


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