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Robert Schmitz

MBSH Ambassadors assist with Backpack Snack Program

The MBSH Ambassadors have scheduled regular meetings to help fill backpacks with food for children in food-insecure homes. Teachers and counselors from the Sullivan elementary and primary schools refer students to the program. Food-filled backpacks are sent home on Fridays to get the children and their families through the weekend, when school lunches aren’t available.

The program began in Sullivan in 2009, when the economy suffered a downturn. It started with 50 students10 years ago and has risen to about 140 participants. During some winters, up to 175 students are helped through the program.

Grace United Methodist Church coordinates the program, covering the expense of housing the program and acquiring and packing the food. Food bags cost an average of $2.92 each, with a yearly cost of about $105 per child, per school year.

Individuals, churches, businesses and organizations have united to fund and provide the food for the students. One hundred percent of every donation goes to provide the food for the backpacks.

“We are thrilled with the opportunity to help assemble packages and experience this amazing service to our community,” says Lisa Lochner, MBSH vice president of operations.

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