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Robert Schmitz

BJC team members and Veterans Connection volunteers honor ‘Women Warriors’ and their growing families

Gearing up for a baby has different challenges for military moms. BJC Veterans Connection members supported local military families by collecting items for the American Red Cross St. Louis Area Chapter Women Warriors baby shower, a celebration for 75 active duty and veteran moms and their spouses, June 22, at Jefferson Barracks. Volunteers from BJC also organized gifts beforehand and attended the baby shower.

“I believe it’s important to support our troops, because in many cases they may feel as if no one cares,” says U.S. Army veteran Randy Cheatham, MLT (ASCP), Northwest HealthCare. “And it can be really tough on soldiers and their families just trying to make ends meet, especially under the stress of deployment and separation from family and friends.”

This is the third year BJC Veterans Connection members participated in the Women Warriors program to support military families living in communities BJC serves. Cheatham says he noticed an increase in the donations he collected at his site this year.

BJC Veterans Connection members gathered baby shower gifts from teammates across the organization. Team members contributed almost 900 items, including baby clothes, bibs, blankets, diapers and more. U.S. Navy veteran Cathy Wagner, Alton Memorial Hospital surgical services manager, led BJC’s efforts in partnership with team members across the organization and BJC supply chain.

“It’s really great to see all the donations,” says U.S. Army veteran Donn Dischert, BJC IT group manager for 1Rad imaging informatics. “Service to vets and their families is just something I feel is important. Vets often get overlooked, so if we can help in any way, we should do it.”

Photos of the donations and BJC volunteers are posted to the BJC Veterans Connection group on Workplace, BJC’s social media and engagement tool.

If you haven’t joined Workplace, learn more on BJCnet under For Employees. Search for the Veterans group and join after setting up your account.

To receive BJC Veterans Connection news and activity information, contact the group’s co-leads, Alan McQueen, BJC supply chain operations director, and Dave Motes, BJC regional logistics manager, at [email protected].

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