Pre-apprentices Tour Campus Renewal
Kathy Bretsch
/ Categories: Campus Renewal Refresh
Feb 2025

Pre-apprentices Tour Campus Renewal

February 2025 - A group participating in MOKAN’s pre-apprentices training program visited the Campus Renewal site recently. The site visit was one element of MOKAN’s comprehensive training program geared to address the needs of the non-traditional construction worker to help prepare them for entry into the St. Louis construction industry.

BJC Planning, Design and Construction’s Charles Henson is a resource for organizations such as MOKAN that work to introduce careers in the construction trades to those who might not have first-hand experience or knowledge. With the median age of 42 for construction workers, a shortage of trades men and women is anticipated. BJC is one of many construction consumers in the region, as well as contractors, who are working in tandem to address the anticipated shortage or workers. Representatives with McCarthy Building Companies and Tarlton Corp. co-lead the Campus Renewal tours with BJC. 
